The Zinc Blog
Zinc is a vitamin nutrient that serves a variety of functions in your body. It's important to note that your body doesn't synthesize it's own zinc (like it does for other nutrients like Vitamin C) which means people must get it from their diet or beneficial supplements. An essential nutrient that your body cannot produce or store, zinc can be found in a variety of foods both naturally and fortified.

Zinc is the body's second-most prevalent trace mineral, behind iron, and is found in every cell.
What specific functions is zinc responsible for? From keeping your body developing an growing normally, to the development of your senses of taste and smell, to immune system function, zinc is vital to a variety of operations. It is responsible for reactions involving more than 300 different enzymes, the synthesis of proteins and even is essential to your body's ability to heal wounds due to the part it plays in cell growth. It also aids in the functioning of your immune system and metabolism
The operation of enzymes in metabolism, digestion, and nerve function are just a few functions this nutrient is vital for.
What happens when you are zinc deficient? A lack of it can result in skin issues, problems with taste and smell, hair loss and lack of alertness. Frequent colds can also become a problem as people with zinc deficiency have a weaker immune response because Zinc increases the activity of specific immune cells. For example, a review of seven trials found that taking 80–92 mg of zinc per day can cut the length of a typical cold by up to 33%! Evidence also suggests that taking zinc lozenges or syrup within 24 hours after the onset of cold symptoms can help lessen the duration of the illness.
Zinc supplements help to minimize the risk of illness and boost the immune system.
Talk to us about adding Zinc supplementation to your regimen.
We have a simple test in the clinic to ensure our patients are not Zinc deficient and it only takes a minute. A simple lozenge of zinc placed in the mouth will result in a minerally taste for those of us who could use a Zinc boost. People with high enough levels of zinc shouldn't taste any chalky sensation at all. Going into this cold and flu season and of course in this time of unprecedented illness, it's important for us to keep in tip-top shape! Give us a shout or ask about this easy test next time you come in for a regular adjustment, check up or if you are feeling especially run down. Please know that not all supplements are created equal and if you are considering adding this essential nutrient to your regimen, we have the skills and knowledge to suggest the supplement out of a variety we carry that is right for YOU. Give us a ring at 408-984-7444 - we look forward to keeping you healthy!