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The Ultimate Type 2 Diabetes Solution - Book Excerpt #4, Author: Dr. Richard F. Gringeri

Common sense solutions that can save your life and solve the Type 2 diabetes epidemic

Excerpt from Chapter 6: Help is Possible

"We have drifted into this deplorable position of national malnutrition quite inadvertently… It is the result of scientific research with the objective of finding the best ways to create foods that are non-perishable, that can be made by mass production methods in central factories, …and distributed so cheaply that they can sweep all local competition from the market…then, after there develops a suspicion that these “foods” are inadequate to support life, modern advertising steps in to propagandize the people into believing that there is nothing wrong with them, that they are products of scientific research…intended to afford a food that is the last word in nutritive value, …and the confused public is totally unable to arrive at any conclusion of fact, …and continues to blindly buy the rubbish that is killing them years ahead of their time."

– Dr. Royal Lee, June 1943

Founder, Standard Process Food Supplements

If you are ever going to reach for help for your Type 2 diabetes, you must believe that help is possible. So, maybe the most important question you can ask is this: Is real help even possible for Type 2 diabetes? The previous information given on treatment for Type 2 diabetes painted a pretty bleak picture. Here’s my solid assertion: Get your hopes up high, because help is possible for Type 2 diabetes! I know it is. Remember the word doctor means teacher, so it’s time for some real education. Let’s start by defining diabetes.

Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary is one of the most trusted sources of information in the medical profession. I purchased mine in chiropractic college, because, of course, knowing the precise meanings of these medical terms is vital to being an effective healthcare practitioner. (My Dad went to Marquette University in the early 1940’s. He also had a copy of the 1938 edition of Dorland’s Medical dictionary. My grandkids bought me the 2012 edition of Dorland’s for Christmas one year and on the cover it says, “The first and last word in medicine for over 110 years.” So Dorland’s has been around for a long time. It’s the gold standard in medical information.) So let’s begin with Dorland’s definition of diabetes – it might surprise you.

Diabetes – “a generalized term referring to any of various disorders characterized by excessive urination.”

In simpler terms, if you pee a lot, you have diabetes. Yes, that’s the definition of diabetes. Straight from the most trusted source of medical information there is. Even though there are a variety of conditions that make you pee a lot, it’s all termed diabetes. The word itself, is derived from a Greek word which means “a siphon.” And what does a siphon do? It drains fluid. So, the medical definition of diabetes (paraphrased) is a condition in which your fluid is being drained out of you – or dehydration. So if you are diagnosed with diabetes, it means that your liquid (urine) is going through you or you’re passing a lot of liquid. Now, it’s usually at this point that some people stand up in my seminar and say they don’t pee a lot. That’s okay. Don’t worry about that yet. We will expand on this definition in just a minute.

There are different types of diabetes, but the most prevalent is called “diabetes mellitus.” Have you ever heard that term? The majority of people I work with who have this condition have never even heard the term and have no idea what it means. The word “mellitus” means “honey.” So, if diabetes means to “pass through or to go through” and mellitus means “honey,” the term diabetes mellitus means that “honey goes through” or “honey passes through.” In other words, you’re peeing out sugar. So, the current treatment goal is this: prescribe medicine to lower your blood sugar level enough so you’re not peeing out sugar. That’s really the current goal of management for Type 2 diabetes. It is not to cure the problem. Doctors know that drugs don’t cure or heal diabetes. That idea of a cure is not considered possible. The goal is to lower blood glucose readings.

Now for the definition of diabetes mellitus. It’s tough, but, in reality, as often is the case, I think the proper treatment lies in the definition. Dorland’s Medical Dictionary for Healthcare Consumers defines diabetes mellitus as follows, “A broadly applied term that refers to a complex group of syndromes having in common a disturbance in the oxidation and use of glucose. This is often secondary to a malfunction of the beta cells of the pancreas whose function is the production and release of insulin. Because insulin is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, diabetes is not limited to a disturbance of glucose homeostasis alone.”

It’s complicated, to say the least, so let me try to explain. Remember, I think the proper treatment for diabetes is in the definition. Did you see the word Oxidation in the definition? Well, understanding that word begins to unlock the proper treatment for diabetes. Let me just give you an easy definition of the word oxidation. Oxidation is adding oxygen to something or removing hydrogen from something. Diabetes refers to a complex group of syndromes having in common a disturbance in the oxidation and use of glucose. You can’t oxidize (add oxygen to) your glucose. What is diabetes a deficiency of? Oxygen. Remember I said earlier that I am known as the Human Engine Doctor. For an engine to burn its fuel, it has to first mix the fuel with oxygen. Diabetes is an inability to oxidize carbohydrates. Carbohydrates break down into glucose. Glucose is the fuel in your bloodstream and your body can’t add enough oxygen to its fuel and so it can’t burn its fuel properly. Wouldn’t that make diabetes an oxygen deficiency? Yes! Diabetes is an oxygen deficiency. And again, this is not the chiropractic definition. It is the medical definition from medicine’s most trusted resource. You see, this human engine treatment that has been so successful in treating other health conditions seems perfect for diabetes, doesn’t it?

Let’s review how you treat a deficiency disease. If someone has scurvy which we know is a deficiency of vitamin C, what do we know would be the correct treatment for this condition? Giving vitamin C or lemons, limes, etc., that contain vitamin C would be the correct treatment. The proper treatment would be to supply the substance of which there is a deficiency in the body. So, if you are a Type 2 diabetic, does your doctor consistently check your oxygen levels? Most of my patients and most of the participants in my seminars admit that their doctors never or almost never check their oxygen levels. If the definition of diabetes says that diabetes is a deficiency of oxygen, it seems that we should check the patient’s oxygen levels. This is a GIGANTIC outpoint and it is one of the main reasons that if you are diabetic, you continue to get worse with treatment. You have an oxygen deficiency and it is not being treated!


To learn more about what you can do to help your Type 2 diabetes and how you control it, buy and read The Ultimate Type 2 Diabetes Solution. You can purchase a copy directly from our office and we will include some bonus material and a signed copy of the book. Call us today to order - 408-984-7444. Or, use the link below to purchase on Amazon.

Look for more book excerpts coming soon. Buy your book today!

In good health,

Richard F. Gringeri, DC



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