The Ultimate Type 2 Diabetes Solution - Book Excerpt #1, Author: Dr. Richard F. Gringeri

Common sense solutions that can save your life and solve the Type 2 diabetes epidemic
Excerpt from Chapter 1: What Does a Chiropractor Know About Diabetes?
Section: As I See It
I’ve worked with many people with diabetes, and I’ve noticed certain consistencies. When a person who has recently been diagnosed comes to me for help, he or she is usually taking one medication at a small dose. As the disease progresses, the dose increases. After a couple of years, they’re normally on two medicines – a large dose of the first, and a smaller dose of the second. (Usually metformin and a sulfonylurea – a particular type of drug used to treat diabetes like glyburide, glipizide, glimepiride, etc.) A major research study published in the Lancet showed that when these two drug types are combined early in a patient’s treatment program, there is a 96% increase in diabetes-related deaths. To quote the study exactly, early addition of metformin in sulfonylurea-treated patients was associated with an increased risk of diabetes-related death (96% increased risk…compared with continued sulfonylurea alone.) Using these two drug types together almost doubles your risk of dying from diabetes. This is the norm. Standard treatment almost doubles the risk of death. On the drug data, it says remember your doctor has prescribed this medication because he or she has judged that the benefits to you are greater than the risk of side effects. Doubling the risk of death from your condition is a pretty extreme side effect. How in the world could the benefits outweigh the risk?
In regards to this disease, within about five years, most patients who come to me for help are on two diabetes medicines and at least one blood pressure medicine. By the ten-year mark, it’s not uncommon that they’re taking two diabetes medications and sometimes insulin, two and sometimes three and even four blood pressure medications, a cholesterol medication (usually a statin), and often something else – possibly a medication for triglycerides, for their heart and/or their neuropathy. The progression appears to be that they start on a little and end up on a lot. My conclusion was that the base condition wasn’t being handled effectively.

The question is: If a person starts on a tiny amount of medicine, and it’s enough to control their blood glucose, but ten years later they require a tremendous amount of medicine to control the condition, are they getting healthier or are they getting worse? And if worsening, is it the inevitable progress of the disease? Is it that diabetes is a progressive disease and of course patients are progressively going to get sicker and sicker? Or does it grow out of the treatment, or can it be attributable to neglect of an underlying cause of the condition that is not being addressed? Do we already know all the answers? Of course they’re getting sicker. If a person can control their health problems with a little bit of only one medicine and then 10 years later they require anywhere from three or four up to 21-23 medications, these patients are obviously getting sicker. So you go to your doctor, follow his/her orders, pay a lot of money, and you get sicker, sicker, and sicker? Welcome to Type 2 diabetes.

A logical question one could ask would be: “Is the diabetes progressing on its own, or is something else, possibly even the drugs used to treat the disease making the disease progress?” Is it possible that the very thing you are hoping will help you defeat diabetes is the thing that is making it progress? Is it possible that your doctor’s treatment is the cause of your continuing to worsen? Let’s take a closer look. If a condition is changing for the worse, and the only other thing that is changing is the treatment, then the treatment can’t be said to be effective. The logical thing to try would be to roll it back. The point is, if there were no other way to treat this condition, then we’d be stuck with the current medical treatment paradigm. If there were a better way that would save people’s health – literally their lives – and spare some extreme stress to our pocketbooks, wouldn’t it be appropriate to look for a change?
Last but not least, the sheer volume of patients who have developed Type 2 diabetes has overwhelmed our medical resources. The medical profession has admitted that they don’t have the ability to handle the volume of diabetic patients or to handle the disease. I consistently see ample evidence of this in my own practice. Here are just a couple of examples. A few years ago, I worked with a woman who had previously been a drug buyer for a large local HMO. She told me it is a well-known fact among drug buyers that more than 90% of patients who start on oral hypoglycemics (medicines used to treat Type 2 diabetes) end up on injectables (insulin and insulin mixtures).
Because of the epidemic growth of this disease, and because of my track record in helping diabetics get healthy and off their medications (with their medical doctor’s help), I was asked to speak to the medical staff of a large, local, government-funded clinic in the Silicon Valley area. When asked what their function was in the clinic, the individuals in the group agreed that their main function was to try to make patients comfortable with diabetes “since there was no stopping this disease.” One of the members of the group described the progression of the disease he routinely saw as follows:
A patient would initially present with fatigue, frequent urination, etc., only to find out that he/she had developed diabetes. The patient would be started on medication, which would help the symptoms, but eventually the medication would not work anymore and the patient would be put on insulin. After a while, even with the insulin, the blood sugar would rise and the patient would begin to experience other health problems. Their kidneys would begin to shut down and cause them problems and pain, sometimes requiring kidney dialysis. The circulation to their toes and feet would decrease and sometimes, bit-by-bit, these would be amputated. Eventually many would go blind as the small vessels of the eye would no longer be able to perform their functions either. The end usually comes with the patient no more than a shell of their former self, blind and in excruciating pain.

The employee who gave me this description had personal experience with the progression of adult-onset diabetes because not only had he seen it in the patients he helped treat in this clinic, his mother had gone through her treatment at this same clinic and died the horrible death he described. Now remember, that gruesome description of the routinely-expected outcome regarding the progression of diabetes was not mine, it was the description of a worker in a clinic which treats large numbers of diabetic patients with traditional medical protocols. Again, this is the expected outcome. And from a financial perspective, if we continue with the current tack we are taking, this disease is certain to bankrupt our already fragile economy.
To learn more about what you can do to take control of your Type 2 diabetes, buy The Ultimate Type 2 Diabetes Solution on Amazon. You can also purchase a copy directly from our office and we will include some bonus material and a signed copy of the book. Call us today to order - 408-984-7444.
Look for more book excerpts coming soon. Buy your book today!

Richard F. Gringeri, DC