How is Your Diarrhea? Constipation? Fatigue?
A closer look at what the future holds for Type 2 diabetics and those with metabolic syndrome. The future can be good, or it can be bad, depending on the choices you make today.

It's no secret that the Human Engine Approach™ is successful in helping people with Type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome (Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity). The hard facts are, most people who are pre-diabetic, or who have had diabetes for less than 5 years don't often feel the urgency to take action to get their "numbers under control" because they seem to be managing their glucose levels fairly well on their own with medication. And, if that is the case right now, that is good. But, let's take a look at the near future.
Patients ask, "Why should I do a program with Dr. Gringeri? My diabetes is not that bad..."
If you are taking medications and/or insulin, let's look at how you will be doing a few years down the road, if you continue to just do what your medical doctor is telling you to do which is take medication - the "standard of care" for Type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. You may be in for a shock one day soon. Most Type 2 diabetics report that their health is getting continually worse and worse and worse over time – even while following their medical doctor’s orders to a tee – and it is then that they realize they don't know how to turn it around.
Just the Facts Ma'am
After 1-3 years being a diabetic patients often feel like they are in fairly good health. Their sugar is in a normal range sometimes and they feel they have things under control. Even with diet and exercise though, it is not uncommon to be on 1-2 different medications to handle their diabetes.
After 5 years being a diabetic most patients are on higher dosages of 1-2 different medications to handle their diabetes, 1-2 medications for high blood pressure and 1 medication for high cholesterol. And they may be on a low dose of insulin.
After 10+ years being a diabetic most people feel things are out of control, even though they have done exactly what their medical doctor has prescribed. They have been a "good patient", doing everything the doctor has told them to do. But, their medical doctor has continued to prescribe them higher doses of medication and insulin. They are feeling very tired and unhealthy, along with being depressed because they have had so many losses trying to handle their diabetes. Serious complications have presented themselves or are on the horizon. It is usually after years of being diabetic that many patients begin to suffer from neuropathy, vision problems and blindness, amputations and kidney problems.
This is not a pretty picture, and I'm not trying to scare you, but these are the FACTS and they should scare you. I have seen it over and over again, which is why my staff and I are so dedicated to helping you.

What's in Store for you, if you keep going down the road you are currently on?
This may seem like an obvious question, but wouldn't it be better to handle your diabetes now, before it gets out of control and you may end up having serious health and body issues? And, let's be frank, it will cost you less money to accomplish your health goals now, than 5-10 years from now. If you keep doing what you are doing, here is what may be in store for you:
Medications are toxic and can make you very sick over time. All, yes all, medicines are to some degree toxic and can begin to cause a downward spiral for your health the moment you start taking them. (Medications from the various medication classes for diabetes include: Metformin (biguanides), (Sulfonylureas), Actos (glitazones), Prandin (Glinides), Januvia (gliptins), (Gliflozins).
Fatigue (side effect from medication)
Constipation (side effect from medication
Diarrhea (side effect from medication)
Various other side effects from medications - dry mouth, low or no libido
Daily finger pricks to take your blood sugar
Daily insulin shots
High cholesterol
High blood pressure
High risk for heart attack
High risk for stroke
Amputations (toes, feet, legs, etc.)
Kidney dialysis
Medical bills in the tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands depending on your condition
Your quality of life is horrible
You're dead way before your time! (After having suffered all the above.)
All is not lost! Your future can be a LOT brighter if you take action now.
Let's look at what your life could be like 5-10 years from now, if you do a program designed just for you:

Most important - You are alive! And your quality of life is good because you are not living with the above list of issues
Your general health is good
NO diarrhea/constipation - Digestive issues have been addressed
NO (or very low) medications - Your glucose levels are in a normal range
NO high blood pressure
NO high cholesterol
Your libido is intact - Yeah!
NO blindness
NO amputations
NO kidney dialysis
NO extra or excessive medical bills
You can live your life free of the complications of Type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome!
The first list should frighten you, and the second list should give you hope. Take it from a patient who waited 12 years before he took action. He is doing a program with Dr. Gringeri now and wishes he had done something to handle his diabetes a very long time ago.
"I learned about Dr. Gringeri and his Type 2 diabetes seminar over 12 years ago now. I kept meaning to go to the seminar, but never made it. I kept putting it off. What a mistake! After going to my doctor again and again over the years he would increase my medications, but he wasn't giving me any way to address my diabetes other than medications. I followed his diet and exercise program and my sugar was still very high. It was very frustrating.
I went to Dr. Gringeri's seminar in March of this year, and I am so glad I did. It opened my eyes. I couldn't believe how much truth was packed into two hours! It made sense to me and I decided right then that I need to do something. I had also suffered a stroke and I had concerns about that, but Dr. Gringeri assured me that he would address everything for me.
I've been doing my program for about four months now and my sugar is in a normal range, I'm sleeping much better, my "bathroom issues' have cleared up, my friends at work have commented that I look better. And I feel overall much better!
If you need to do something about your diabetes, don't wait!" -David H.

Take David's advice, come join us for our next Type 2 diabetes seminar on Saturday, Sept 9, 2023. Visit our Free Seminars page to reserve a seat.
We look forward to seeing you there!
The Human Engine Clinic
Type 2 Diabetes Help Center