A Healthy Labor Day

Labor Day is right around the corner and while we want everyone to get some much needed R and R, there's no reason your vacation weekend has to be unhealthy! Here are some simple tips on making sure you shine your brightest this holiday weekend and beyond...
Don't forget chiropractic care!
Make sure you're staying limber and ready for those Labor Day festivities - or just spending several hours in holiday traffic - with the following tips:
Stretch - stretching the muscles will help preemptively alleviate pain from sitting in a cramped car for extended periods of time. Make sure to stretch before getting into the car and take some breaks to release lactic acid build up.
Stay hydrated - salty car snacks are delicious, but draining on the body's fluid reserves so make sure to pack lots of water! About 3 liters a day is recommended.
Careful with that luggage - no one wants to hurt themselves loading or unloading the family vehicle, so make it two trips (or three!) if you have to. Bonus - walking an extra 15 minutes after a long car ride can actually rejuvenate and wake up the body and mind, so get those steps in!
Chiropractic care - make sure to schedule an adjustment when you get back so that we can get you back into alignment and alleviate any tender or sore spots after your big weekend.
Plan activities!
Do your best to plan fun - and ACTIVE - weekend. Staying at home? Indulge in some backyard games or even a sunset walk. On the go? Explore the area by taking a photo walk, snapping shots of where you're spending the weekend will help build memories and ensure you get exercise.
No one is perfect and your weekend doesn't have to be either. It's ok to indulge in satisfying food within reason. One weekend isn't going to destroy your hard work or progress but stress can easily negatively impact your health and wellness, so try not to take things too seriously and ENJOY YOURSELF! If you're concerned about your numbers for high blood pressure, glucose or cholesterol, book a consultation and get them back on track, but stressing over them is not helpful to anyone. Don't forget to plan some healthy ways to destress like soaking in the sunshine, a nice long bath or book a wellness massage.