Finally, Good News about COVID-19. Some encouragement to help handle your fears.

At The Human Engine Clinic, nothing is more important than the health and well-being of our staff, our patients and our community. As the situation with COVID-19 unfolds, we’re committed to giving you the support and resources to navigate this challenging time.
In accordance with the Shelter in Place order from the Santa Clara Public Health Department, we are temporarily not seeing any patients in our clinic unless it is an emergency situation, or part of an existing treatment program. We hope to resume normal office visits in 2-3 weeks (around April 20, 2020). We are answering our phone, getting our messages, and filling orders, so if you need assistance we are here. If you need to come to our office, we are taking every precaution to make sure our office environment is germ-free. We are disinfecting between every patient visit and Dr. Gringeri is always wearing a mask and gloves.
Here are a few links that are very helpful if you have any questions regarding the COVID-19 outbreak. The video by Dr. David Price is very good and is a positive, informative message. Dr Price is a Pulmonary and Cardiovascular specialist form Cornell Medical Center in New York City who is dealing with this epidemic every day. It's an hour video, but the last 30 min is answering questions, so you can listen to the first 30 min if you are short on time.
Dr. David Price of Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City shares information in a Mar. 22, 2020 Zoom call with family and friends on empowering and protecting families during the COVID-19 pandemic. -
Santa Clara Public Health FAQ -
If you feel ill and have symptoms in line with the COVID-19 virus, here are some tips from Kaiser Permanente on what to do -
We talked about taking enzymes, a natural way to boost your immune system, in our previous blog ( We can easily fill orders for patients who need enzymes and other nutritional supplements, so don't hesitate to reach out if you need to order. We are usually able to fill orders the same day.
We are here to support you,

Richard F. Gringeri, DC
The Human Engine Clinic
Office: 408-984-7444
Photo by Noah on Unsplash