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Farshad's Success

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I truly enjoyed working with Farshad My favorite patients are the ones willing to work toward wellness and keep an optimistic attitude. From the minute we started working together, I could tell that he had what it takes to succeed.

"I saw (Dr. G's) ad in San Jose Mercury News by accident and before I knew it, I was at his 2 hour seminar in Sunnyvale CA.

As soon he started to talk, I noticed that his knowledge and experience towards Diabetes and chronic disease in general is much different than average so-called medical doctors.

For 15 years I have been taking all kinds of medications for my Diabetes, cholesterol, gout, Arthritis,. . .because I believed that medications were the only solution to my illness and health.

Nobody, even Stanford Hospital research department, ever considered or said anything about taking these dangerous (poisons*) for handling my illness.

For the first time I was introduced to real health, how my body works, the importance of Oxygen Water, Digestion, Nutrition, and Exercise.

After taking Dr. Gringeri program within 2 months my BLOOD GLUCOSE dropped from 359 to 140 (Without taking any mediation And poisons) . My cholesterol dropped to 130 and I don’t need to take anymore medications and poisons.

This program has been relatively easy to do, And very fun. Dr. Gringeri’s associates are very friendly, knowledgeable, helpful and everyone is always willing and working to support the patients and answering patients questions.

I lost 35 pounds and keep improving and having a very Happy, Healthy, And Wealthy life."

-Farshad B. 2015

While, we don't advocate going off of your medications without the informed consent of your primary care physician, it's wins like Farshad's that keep us going in the clinic. There are other means of controlling your Glucose levels than prescription medications that may not be right for you as an individual. Stay tuned for next week's Testimonial Tuesday, and feel free to reach out to our offices any time for information regarding our treatments, therapies and programs.

In Health and Wellness,

Dr. G

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The Human Engine Clinic
A Gringeri Chiropractic Corporation

3461 Picadilly Drive

San Jose, CA 95118 USA


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Mon: 11am – 1:00pm and 3:30pm - 6pm

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Wed: 11am – 1:00pm and 3:30pm - 6pm 

Thurs: Closed

Fri: 11am – 1:00pm and 3:30pm - 6pm

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