Build Strength as You Get Older! (Part 2)
Build Strength as You Get Older.

Is Age Causing You to Lose Muscle Mass? Build Strength as You Get Older! (Part 1)
Is Age Causing You to Lose Muscle Mass? Build Strength as You Get Older!

How to Prevent and Relieve Heartburn Naturally
How to prevent and relieve heartburn naturally. Reduce your risk for heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, and dementia. Our method works!

The Ultimate Type 2 Diabetes Solution - Book Excerpt #6, Author: Dr. Richard F. Gringeri
Common sense solutions that can save your life and solve the Type 2 diabetes epidemic Excerpt from Chapter 13: The Short-Term Solution "I...

What's the Scariest Threat to Diabetics (and Overweight People)?
"Without a doubt, it’s heart attack. Do you realize that 75% of all diabetics will perish from a surprise heart attack—including those on...

A Christmas Miracle - Giving Precious Time to a Family
It was 1988. I was in my first year of practice. I could not afford to open my own office, so I was renting space in the office of...